Home - Rebecca Houseman Photography

Rebecca Houseman Photography Rebecca Houseman Photography

Ghost Glass Frog
Ghost Glass Frog
Unicorn Katydid
Carnivorous Pit Bull Katydid
Honduran Palm Pit Viper
Honduran Palm Pit Viper
Pointy-nosed Tree Frog
Olive-headed Tree Frog
Blue Jeans Frog in Cup Fungus
Reticulated Glass Frog with Eggs
Reticulated Glass Frog with Eggs
Blue Jeans Poison Dart Frog
Blue-sided Tree Frog
Green Anole
Robber Frog
Green Anole
Brown Eyelash Viper
Female Hourglass Frog
Blue-sided Tree Frog
Bolitoglossa lignicolor (Camron Mushroomtoungue Salamander)
Blue-sided Tree Frog
Blue-sided Tree Frog
Annulated Tree Boa
Annulated Tree Boa
Rainforest Hog-nosed Viper
Annulated Tree B
Underside of a Reticulated Glass Snake
Palm Pit Viper
Palm Pit Viper
Brown Vine Snake
Brown V
Female Eyelash Viper
Female Eyelash Viper
Bromeliad Boa
Unicorn Katydid
Helmeted Lizard
Bat spp
Eyelash Viper
Bat spp
Ghost Frog
Ghost Glass Frog
Eyelash Viper
Blue Jeans Poison Dart Frog
Helmeted Lizard
Emerald Basilisk Lizard
Pointy-nose Robber
Crowned Tree Frog
Crowned Tree frog
Emerald Basilisk
Helmeted Lizard
Splendid Leaf Frog
Splendid Leaf Frog
Spiny Glass Frog
Red-eyed Tree Frog
Red-eyed Tree Frog
Red-eyed Tree F
Red-eyed Tree Fr
Holgate Glacier, Alaska
Mountain Goat Nanny and Kid
Kenai Fjords, Alaska
Harbor Seal & Pup
Northern Sea Otter
Kenai Fjord
Holgate Glacier, Kenai Fjord
Sea Stars
Mountain Goat
Mountain Goat
Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska
Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska
Whales Bubble Feeding
Washington Aurora
Stallion of Onaqui
Onaqui Stallion
Horses of Onaqui
Horses of Onaqui
Horses of Onaqui
Horses of Onaqui
Wild Stallion of Unaqui
Wild Stallions of Unaqui
Wild Horses of Unaqui
Wild Horses of Unaqui
Wild Horses of Unaqui
Tree Swallow
Glaucus Gull
Glaucus Gull
Horned Grebe
Horned Grebe
Horned Grebe
Horned Grebe
Jaguar, Brazil
King Penguin and Chick
Wendell Seal, Antarctica
Weddel Seal, Antarctica
Black-foeted Albatross, Antartica
Adele Penguins, Antarctica
Harbor Seal
Transient 65 A Orcas
Horned Grebe
Horned Grebe
Sandhll Crane
Northern Shoveler
Wood Duck Drake
Wood Duck Drake
Tree Swallow
Transient Orcas
Curved-bill Curlew
Southern Sea Otter
Southern Sea Otter
Black-necked Stilt
Blue-winged Teal
Immature Common Yellowthroat
Horned Grebe
Surf Scoters
Brant Goose
Pigeon Guillemot
Clapper Rail
American Oystercatchers
Tricolor Heron, White Morph
Tricolor Heron
White Ibis
White Ibis
Tricolor Heron, White Morph
Whooping Crane
Whooping Crane
Forster's Tern
Sunrise at Aransas NWR
Great Blue Heron on Beach
White Pelican
White Pelican
Whooping Crane Colt
American Oystercatchers
Whooping Crane Colt
Harlequin Duck
Male Northern Harrier
Short-eared Owl
Short-eared Owl
Short-eared Owl
Short-eared Owl
Northern Harrier, Skagit, WA
Male Northern Harrier, Skagit, WA
Great Blue Heron with Vole
Short-eared Owl
The Harrier
Short-eared Owl Conflict
Short-eared Owl
Lincoln's Sparrow, Skagit, WA
Northern Harrier, Skagit, WA
Immature Bald Eagle, Skagit, WA
Hyacinth Macaw, Brazil
American Goldfinch, Skagit, Washington
Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler, Skagit
Mauna Kea Observatories, Hawaii
Fiji Monkey-faced Bat
Painted Bunting, Texas
Jaguar, Brazil
Adele Penguin, Antarctica
Fur Seal Pup, South Georgia
The Farrier, Castle Leslie, Ireland
Kicker Rock, Galapagos
Knossos, Crete, Greece
The Runner, Athens, Greece
Bare-faced Curassows (male and female), Brazil
Chinstrap Penguin, Antarctica
Short-eared owl and Northern Harrier, Skagit, WA
Short-eared Owl, Skagit, WA
Crater Lake, Oregon
Great Blue Heron, Nisqually, WA
Common Loon, Washington
Hyacinth Macaw, Brazil
Gray-necked Wood Rail, Brazil
Golden-mantled Tamarin, Napo, Ecuador
Pygmy Marmoset,Amazonian Peru
Howler Monkey, Panama
Three-toed Sloth, Panama
Paprika & Rodrigo
Flightless Cormorant Fight, Galapagos
Orange-bellied Trogon, Panama
Toucan Barbet, Ecuador
Bald Eagle, Washington
Harbor Seal
Bald Eagle, Washington
Golden-Mantled Tamarin, Napo Lodge, Amazon
Southern Sea Otter, Monterey
Cooper's Hawk, Washington
Southern Sea Otter, Monterey Bay, CA
Curve-billed Curlew
Marbled Godwit, Monterey, CA
Drake Mandarin Duck,,Sacramento
Bald Eagle, WA
Pale-eyed Today Tyrant, Panama
Swallowtail, TN
Desert Ground Squirrel
Wood Duck, BC, Canada
Northern Cardinal
Tufted Puffin
Pied Lapwing, Brazil
Scarlet-headed Blackbird, Brazil
Marsh Wren, BC, Canada
Purple Honeycreeper
Pigeon Guillemot
Pygmy Marmoset, Amazonian Peru
Tufted Puffin
Galapagos Turtle
Crested Caracaras
Jockey of Artemison, National Archeological Gallery, Athens, Greece
The Parthenon, Greece
Fira, Santorini, Greece
Temple of Poseidon, Greece
Desert Ground Squirrel
Fortress of Palamidi
Painted Bunting
Temple of Poseidon, Greece
Paris Ferris Wheel from the D'Orsay Cafe
Water Feature in Sicily
The Alhambra, Spain
Harris Hawk
Crested Caracara
Desert Ground Squirrel
Crested Carcara
Desert Cottontail
Desert Cottontail
Desert Cottontail
Great Grey Owl
Humpback Whale Breech
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle
Short-eared Owls
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